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The Secret Ingredient for Project Success

Are you still working on improving your project management capabilities?
Wondering why that skills training and new software doesn’t make the difference you thought it would?

What can you do that makes a difference between project success and failure?

There is too much groupthink in the project management improvement industry. The last big breakthrough that won wide adoption was the PERT method in the 60’s. Since then, we’ve been polishing the solution, rather than reexamining the fundamentals.

It’s similar to writing better recipes without having better cooks.

Let’s focus on where the leverage is – execution. It does not get more fundamental than that. It seems hardly anyone is focusing on where the action is – we assume if we give people the recipe, they will just figure it out. But, no one has – until now.

We’ve discovered there are some clear principles to make your project execute well – even if your plan isn’t perfect (and whose is?).

The Secret Ingredient for Project Success from Pinnacle Strategies on Vimeo.

Learn more about how to improve project execution by reading some of our eBooks or watching more of our videos. Particularly, our Why Do Projects Succeed or Fail? eBook includes some very practical information you can use right now to improve your project performance.

Great organizations are great at executing. Pinnacle Strategies designs and delivers innovative strategies to help organizations execute well. If you are looking to transform your execution results, let’s talk.

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