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Unite Your Team with Shared Goals

Is your project team set to win?
Are they spending too much time in conflict resolution?
Is taking too long to make decisions?

Few would argue against the value of goal directed work. But in most projects, the only person on the team with the single objective of completing the project is the project manager. The project manager, with limited organizational authority must somehow sort the conflicting goals and still achieve the project’s objective.

Learn how to get all your team members playing on the same team towards a common goal and learn how damaging it is for your project success when there is an absence of aligned goals.

Unite Your Team with Shared Goals from Pinnacle Strategies on Vimeo.

When you’ve aligned the functions to the goal of the project, your team will be set up to win. They won’t be spending time resolving the conflicts between your project and their function, which speeds decision making and project completions.

Learn more about how to improve project execution by reading some of our eBooks or watching more of our videos. Particularly, our Why Do Projects Succeed or Fail? Discover What Really Makes a Difference in Projects eBook includes some very practical information you can use right now to improve your project performance.

Great organizations are great at executing. Pinnacle Strategies designs and delivers innovative strategies to help organizations execute well. If you are looking to transform your business, let’s talk.

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