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Why Are Your Projects Always Late? Deliver on time with the Project Execution Maturity Model

If you’re a follower of my blog, you’ll know that I’ve written quite a bit on the topic of execution – that the lever for improving project performance is found in the execution phase and processes of the project. Actually, there are 12 levers to improve project performance, but they have to be pulled in order. There’s an execution process maturity. You can’t do some things until you do others.

There are a lot of moving parts, people and processes. Your projects may not be planned properly. Your communication may not be very good. Your resources might not be as productive as they could be. Maybe there are no standardized processes, and everyone is winging it.

Which are affecting YOUR projects?

Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Project Delivery Processes

The Project Execution Maturity Model Diagram

The Project Execution Maturity Model (PEMM), which is pictured above, is the key to understanding the basic behaviors and processes that dictate the effectiveness of your execution. It lays out a path from ad hoc processes, to systematic and disciplined execution.

Knowing where your organization stands in the model will help you target the critical areas that will make a difference today. If you’re doing a process transformation, the PEMM guides you as it progresses from local, ad hoc execution, to fully assimilated, repeatable processes that systematically deliver desirable and deliberate results from project to project.

Each level of maturity reflects an organization’s ability to manage activity and time across all areas of the projects, with movement from level to level resulting in significant strategic gains, from improved rate of task completion and overall productivity, to increased timely delivery and reduced costs.

Where do you fit on the spectrum?

Understanding the Project Execution Maturity Model is step one, but understanding where you fit within it is essential to actually improving your ability to deliver on-time and on-cost project performance consistently.

If you’re wondering why your projects are late or over budget, the Project Execution Maturity Model Assessment will help you find the gaps, clearly identify the targets for improvement, and provide a structure to move forward and start improving your results.

Change with Confidence

We have created an assessment instrument – a diagnostic – to measure your processes that drive on time delivery and place you on the maturity spectrum so you can define an actionable path forward, and giving you confidence in the direction you’re going.

Taking advantage of the ideas and behaviors set out in the PEMM helps organizations achieve:

-Better Collaboration between team members, regardless of location
-Simplification of management Improved synchronization of work
-Improved situational awareness
-Quicker responses to problems
-Increased productivity

And the best part? Organizations who embrace the PEMM make huge strides to lower costs, shorten project durations, and consistently and reliably deliver, every time.

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