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Little’s Law – The ONE thing you can do to improve process performance

Pinnacle Strategies Logo

Is your system in chaos?

What do I mean by chaos? I mean resource shortages, priority battles, constant expediting, too much work in process, or too much rework. Everything just takes too long.

Little’s Law is a very simple concept that will help you gain control over your system. Mastering this concept will arm you with ONE thing that will improve your process and it doesn’t cost a dime.

Check out our latest video about Little’s Law!

Little’s Law – The ONE thing you can do to improve process performance from Mark Woeppel on Vimeo.

Learn more about how using and applying the Theory of Constraints and Lean Manufacturing Principles in only 6 months, Pinnacle Strategies helped the company in charge of cleaning up the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; doubling the supply of skimmers, boom and other critical resources, and in doing so saved more than $700 million. Read the key take ways in our ebook titled “Achieving Top Performance Under the Worst Conditions: 7 Lessons Learned from a Disaster.”

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