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Collaborative Execution Video: How to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Project Team

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People want to work together, but most of the time, there is no simple method for them to do so.

The result is that problems are identified very late. Communication is delayed, the right problem solvers arrive too late for prevention, leading to rework – additional work – into the process. Capacity is consumed doing the wrong work, and when the right work shows up, the whole project is delayed. Budgets are busted.

Dysfunctional teams are often blamed on “communication”. That’s not accurate. It isn’t that we don’t talk to each other; it’s just that we don’t say the right things.

Superior execution demands informed collaboration, where individuals and teams can communicate the right information easily.

Watch my video below for some simple things you can do to help your team work better together, with less drama.

Collaborative Execution: How to Improve the Effectiveness of Your Project Team from Pinnacle Strategies on Vimeo.

Learn more about how to improve project execution by reading some of our eBooks or watching more of our videos. Particularly, our eBook Why do projects succeed or fail? Discover What Really Makes a Difference includes some very practical information you can use right now to improve your project performance.

Great organizations are great at executing. Pinnacle Strategies designs and delivers innovative strategies to help organizations execute well. If you are looking to transform your business, let’s talk.

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